ABOUT - Committee

Executive Committee

President: Michael Lofgren
Vice-President: Ross Tucker
Treasurer: Janine Nguyen
Secretary: Jairo Garcia

Our thanks go to

Registrar Donna Knight
Senior PVL Coordinator Rachael Georgieff
Junior/Youth PVL Coordinator Angel Scanlon
Junior Programs Coordinators Casey Milne, Lauren Cleland,
Marcus Birthisel
General Training Coordinator Michael Lofgren
Metro League Teams Hayden Howlett
Flaming Chalice Tournament Director Michael Lofgren
Webmaster -- Vacant --
Social Media Connor Hennessy
Social Events --Vacant--
Coaches (Too many to mention, but thank you)
Team Managers (Too many to mention, but thank you)
Merchandise Coordinator Chanaka Fernando
Venue Coordinators Donna Knight, Angel Scanlon, Michael Lofgren
Chalice Venue Managers & Assistants (Too many to mention, but thank you)